poniedziałek, 4 lutego 2008

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So if it's a chargeoff, whether or not the late history shows makes no impact on FICO. At least in this case. So just ignore PG making the change (like we didn't already know this! LOL but TU is my best score and i was gonna be MAJOR PO'd if PG would have been right.
Before all this happened TU sent me an updated report, listed was the places I applied for credit and the address I had given them.
On all letters, make sure you "cc" the bottom of the letter with important people...FTC, AG, etc.
(Personal loan contract example) I've been receiving monthly bills from MCI, even though I don't have MCI service.
I was just going to put all the documents out there to see with little comment by me.
short answer to this is to breathe.................trust your loan officer.........expect a GFE upfront.................then get a couple of second opinions to make sure that you are confident that you are recieving a good deal.
MY OPINION DON'T GIVE THEM ANY MONEY IF THEY PULL FOR A CHECKING/SAVINGS/CD....credit card or loan is fine to pull and logical...
Just want to make sure I have all the ammo I need in order to make a complaint against the OC if they wont delete.

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I have been trying not to aquire new credit but based on what I have learned here today I am thinking perhaps I should request increases in some of my existing credit.
On the unpaid overtime thing well, employers I have worked for changed the rules any time they felt like it. Asking for a description of a job's duties and responsibilities during the hiring process is: A. bad form, and B. A sure fire way to not get hired. And besides, who cares. They are going to change the rules any time they feel like it anyways.
But if he has a close relative or friend they may ignore the law and use it.
(Vancouver bc cash car loan) I now know that there million dollar disk is nothing more than the million dollar information here 24/7.
EX hasn't been so creative and has labeled theirs the Experian/Fair Isaac Crdit Risk Score , those that vary the weighting of the various factors from the "standard" to suit their own company's needs, or even those based on an older revision of the FICO algorithm suite that they trust more than a newer revision.
we all get apathetic about certain things, but don't let that make you apathetic or discouraged.
I have heard stories that people send a goodwill letter, only to recieve a "We're Sorry" response.

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On EQ, these same accounts are being reported by a CA, but on TU it lists the OCs' names.
A CA submits your account to the CRA's skip alert service, and if there is any activity at all with your credit, the CA gets the information.
that sounds like alot of action for a french wepon, it must have be assigined to an active member of the french military
(Payday cash advance 2 day payback) Hey that isn't fair I was drinking a big gulp of water when I read that, and about spit it from laughter ....
A credit report is the information that any one of the three of four major Credit Reporting Agencies

niedziela, 3 lutego 2008

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If you dispute with the CRA's online, you get an e-mail sent from them stating they received your dispute in a certain date and time.
Has not been reported to a collection agency within the last 10 years.
Is it acceptable to sign up for this service to get copies of your reports and scores and then cancel before the end of the trial period, effectively getting the reports for free?
(550 fico for personal loan) The people on this board have helped me a lot---even if I don't post that often, I've learned that I'm not alone in this nightmare!!

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I don't know anything about Lexington, and if there are other companies repairing credit, I don't know about them either......
My first CA came off after a little over 30 days of validating with them.
Hold up JEByrd for some more responses and clarify what you're looking for, you may have to be willing to lose the TL altogether, sorry to say -- whether you can live with that, or don't need it, depends on your reports and what else is on there.
(Magnum cash advance funding) I'll give this a little volleyball-style bump in case one of us has a little more detail.
He also stated we should send our bk discharge - that way if they STILL don't correct he can proceed to sue the OC and the CRA's, but I feel uncomfortable doing this as I've read so many times on this board to NEVER send your schedules or bk discharge info - as it dooms you for the full 10 yrs.
I have a hard time believing A) that they called at 6:51pm, as the csr told me they did.
They'll have to provide those records in court anyway, if you maintain it's not yours, no way around verifying for them, if you want to pursue the violations.
I went to a Communion at church and I was wearing this really cute skirt. It was long and had a zipper in the back. As we were walking from our car to go into the church, the early session had just got let out so the parking lot was full of people, I was holding my daughter

sobota, 2 lutego 2008

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There are some penalty APRs for six months for being late on payments, etc.
I disputed the lates again and expect to see the results in the next 2-3 weeks.
Cras blandit, risus at placerat imperdiet, velit tortor vestibulum felis, ut ullamcorper massa turpis non neque.
(Aol lotteries ontario pay day) Which makes sense, they want to make sure that if they build the home that you can pay for it.

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Drooling about union plus, lol...just need to know if they are score driven.
So doing your best to pay your revolving/charge account balances is a smart way to help increase your score.
I don't know about utility accounts, but I guess that disputing would work.
(Get a payday loan without a middleman) Because it was included in BK it gets complicated, so you don't want it to be a violation of the discharge injunction if possible.
I am getting all of my ducks in a row, in case I have to file a lawsuit against the CA that deposited a second check, without my permission.
Only other major choice is Airborne, They recently bought DHL. Two major corps that send to us use them because of better rates. Not as many drop off locations.